THE SERVICEBERRY - Book Discussion
4:00 PM16:00

THE SERVICEBERRY - Book Discussion

Robin Wall Kimmerer's new book The Serviceberry is a short read with deep meaning. She talks about gift economy: "The currency in a gift economy is relationship, which is expressed as gratitude, as interdependence and the ongoing cycles of reciprocity. A gift economy nurtures the community bonds that enhance mutual well-being; the economic unit is 'we' rather than 'I', as all flourishing is mutual." (33)

If you'd like to discuss these concepts you're invited to be a part of a hybrid book discussion on Tuesday, March 18 at 4:00 pm. We will meet at Niccolls Church, or you can join by zoom. Books are available at the Old Forge Hardware, Bookshop. org or other sellers. This will be a one time discussion of the entire book. If you'd like to join, please contact Naomi

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Qi Gong for All Bodies
11:30 AM11:30

Qi Gong for All Bodies

  • Niccolls Memorial Presbyterian Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Qi Gong, a meditative movement exercise class, meets on Mondays at 11:30 a.m. at Niccolls Church, 228 Crosby Blvd. We will practice gentle Qi Gong movements for better breathing, strengthening and flexibility as well as spend some time in moving meditation (flow). Class lasts about 45 minutes. The community is invited to attend, this is free and open to the public.

If you’d like to zoom in, please contact Naomi

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4:00 PM16:00


  • Niccolls Memorial Presbyterian Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Robin Wall Kimmerer's new book The Serviceberry is a short read with deep meaning. She talks about gift economy: "The currency in a gift economy is relationship, which is expressed as gratitude, as interdependence and the ongoing cycles of reciprocity. A gift economy nurtures the community bonds that enhance mutual well-being; the economic unit is 'we' rather than 'I', as all flourishing is mutual." (33)

If you'd like to discuss these concepts you're invited to be a part of a hybrid book discussion on Tuesday, March 18 at 4:00 pm. We will meet at Niccolls Church, or you can join by zoom. Books are available at the Old Forge Hardware, Bookshop. org or other sellers. This will be a one time discussion of the entire book. If you'd like to join, please contact Naomi

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Samhain/All Saints Day Contemplative Gathering
12:00 PM12:00

Samhain/All Saints Day Contemplative Gathering

October 31-November 1 marks the feast of Samhain in the Celtic wheel of the year and the feast of All Saints in the Christian liturgical cycle (followed by All Souls on November 2nd). So November 1st is like new years because Celts divided their calendar into two seasons; the season of light and doing, and the season of dark and non-doing when new beginnings gestate. As we enter the season of dark, you are invited to a contemplative celebration of our ancestors, of embracing the darkness that accompanies new birth. We will gather at noon and hear poetry, listen to music, have some space and time to journal and share.

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Moss Lake Hike & Visio Divina
1:00 PM13:00

Moss Lake Hike & Visio Divina

You are invited to a Contemplative Walk around Moss Lake. We will meet at 1 p.m. at the accessibility deck for a short centering time, and will be given contemplation prompts. Then you are invited to walk around the lake, or sit in one spot and practice visio divina, sacred seeing.

Bring a camera, the one on you phone is fine, and dress for the weather.

We will gathering again at 2 pm for sharing and a closing.

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Imbolc Sound Bath
4:00 PM16:00

Imbolc Sound Bath

Celebrate a Celtic Festival of early spring with a sound bath with Andrea Villiere on Saturday, February 3 from 4-5 pm at Niccolls Church.

The Sound Bath offers balance, rest and restoration. Feel rejuvenated for the continuing winter.

Wear comfortable clothing

Bring a mat, blanket, pillow and eye cover.

This event is free and open to the public

Please contact Naomi if you plan to attend email

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Star  Word Retreat
12:00 PM12:00

Star Word Retreat

  • Niccolls Memorial Presbyterian Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

For many years Abbey of the Arts has been doing a retreat about finding a word for the year. This word is meant to open us to new possibilities and help us be more aware of the sacred all around us. When pilgrims visited the desert monks they would say, 'give me a word.' So in honor of this long tradition, you are invited to spend an afternoon with your word for the year. If you don't have a word, then this time will allow you to discern your word. If you already have a word, then we will use creative arts to expand and broaden our understanding of the word.

Wear comfortable clothing, bring a photo of yourself that you can cut and use to make an icon. (A recent head shot is best.) The rest of the materials will be provided.


12-12:30 Greeting, snacks, tea, orientation

12:30-1 Opening, Centering, Qi Gong (meditative movement)

1-1:45 creative art making - Icon and/or collage

1:45-2 pm Break, sharing, Qi Gong

2-2:45 Silence, Journaling, create a poem

2:45 -3 Break, sharing, Qi Gong

3-3:30 Beading (make a bracelet depicting your word)

3:30-4 Sharing, Closing

The retreat will be held at Niccolls Church, 228 Crosby Blvd., Old Forge Please register today by emailing

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4:00 PM16:00


A Weaving Home Gathering is a time of reflection, making space to listen and hear the wisdom all around us. Our usual formate is: a responsive call to the gathering; a song, a reading of wisdom literature, poetry or prose; chant; an invitation to silence for reflection either walking around the garden or seated contemplation; sharing and blessing. We meet at the Barn in Woodgate. We hope you will join in.

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Sacred Earth & Soul in the ADKs
to Jul 15

Sacred Earth & Soul in the ADKs

A Weekend of Study, Reflection & Spiritual Rediscovery



“The crises that we are in the midst of today, whether ecological, political, or societal, stem from the fact that we treat the earth and one another as less than sacred.” JPN in Sacred Earth, Sacred Soul

  • Friday Evening a talk on Celtic Spirituality and how it reawakens our awareness of the sacred in all things followed by a Book signing.

  • Saturday Morning a time of spiritual/contemplative practice

  • Saturday evening - a viewing of the film Hebridean Treasure

    Registration is now open. Register here.

John Philip Newell - Bio

John Philip Newell is a Celtic teacher and author of spirituality who calls the modern world to reawaken to the sacredness of Earth and every human being.

Canadian by birth, and a citizen also of Scotland, he resides with his family in Edinburgh and works on both sides of the Atlantic. In 2016 he began the School of Earth and Soul and teaches regularly in the United States and Canada as well as leading international pilgrimage weeks on Iona in the Western Isles of Scotland.

His PhD is from the University of Edinburgh and he has authored over fifteen books. His latest award-winning publication, Sacred Earth Sacred Soul, was the 2022 Gold Winner of the Nautilus Book Award for Spirituality and Religious Thought of the West. In 2022 he received the Sacred Universe Award from the Well Center for Spirituality in Chicago in recognition of his significant work in furthering humanity's relationship with the sacredness of Earth.

Newell speaks of himself as ‘a wandering teacher’ following the ancient path of many lone teachers before him in the Celtic world, seeking the wellbeing of the world. He has been described as having ‘the heart of a Celtic bard and the mind of a Celtic scholar’, combining in his teachings the poetic and the intellectual, the head as well as the heart, and spiritual awareness as well as political and ecological concern.

For full bio see:Earth & Soul Website

Cami Twilling -Bio

Cami Twilling, based in Colorado, is the Director of Earth & Soul (a Celtic initiative of study, spiritual practice and compassionate action inspired by the teachings of John Philip Newell). As well as heading up the overall work of Earth & Soul, she facilitates the spiritual practice component of the School of Earth & Soul. Previously she was the head of Contemplative Spirituality and Youth Ministry at Trinity UMC in downtown Denver. She has studied meditation in the Tibetan Buddhist Tradition of Shambhala and received Spiritual Direction certification from the Hesychia School of Spiritual Direction in Tucson, Arizona. In addition to leading mountain and urban retreats, she has led international pilgrimage groups to Iona in the Western Isles of Scotland and work teams to Guatemala to build houses in communities that have suffered from political strife and economic hardship. Cami is passionate about the relationship between spirituality and action and believes that spiritual vision and practice can play a vital role in helping to heal and transform our lives both individually and together.

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Book Study: Sacred Earth Sacred Soul
to Jun 13

Book Study: Sacred Earth Sacred Soul

You may have heard that Keene Valley Congregational Church and Weaving Home are partnering to welcome John Philip Newell to lead a two-day retreat at Keene Valley Congregational Church on Friday, July 14 and Saturday, 15. You are intrigued, and may be asking:

Who is John Philip Newell?

What does he teach?

What is Celtic Christianity?

To help answer these questions, and give our extended community a chance to familiarize ourselves with Newell, we will be sponsoring a nine week discussion of his book, Sacred Earth, Sacred Soul, beginning on Tuesday, April 18 @ 7 PM. For our first meeting, we will focus on the Introduction and the chapter entitled Sacred Soul: Pelagius. Our group will meet via Zoom, and all are welcome to attend one, or more meetings, as schedules allow. Rev. John Sampson, pastor at Keene Valley will lead the discussion.

If you’re interested contact Naomi for the zoom link

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Earth Day Celebration
4:00 PM16:00

Earth Day Celebration

  • Niccolls Memorial Presbyterian Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Water Blessing Walk

On Friday, April 21 at 4 p.m., we will gather at the Old Forge Library/Niccolls Church parking lot and walk to the lake front for a water blessing. Following the blessing we will return to Niccolls for a pot luck dinner and a movie described below.

Current Revolution film screening

The Current Revolution film series shows the possibility of a just transition to a clean energy economy where the well-being of workers and frontline community members is valued.


Current Revolution, a series of short films from the American Resilience Project, explores the transition from fossil fuels to renewables with a focus on national security, economic prosperity, and environmental justice. These films show how the nation can embrace smart policies and investments that support grid modernization through distributed renewable energy generation, and ensure that the transition is just and sustainable. The short films are a perfect length for planning discussion. View trailer

The Transformation Cannot Be Stopped, episode 1, 37 minutes long, tackles the challenge of how the utility, auto, tech, and defense industries can help modernize the aging power grid to make it more secure and responsive to the needs of its users while enhancing environmental performance.

Nation in Transition, episode 2, 29 minutes long, explores the coal-to-renewables transition on the Navajo Nation and across northern Arizona through the stories of workers, their families and communities, business and tribal leaders, utility executives, policy makers and environmental activists. The film offers a roadmap for accelerating and navigating just energy transitions for workers and communities everywhere.

Workforce Rising, episode 3, 6 minutes long, The rapid advancement of electric vehicles is disrupting numerous industries and workforces, and the lack of charging infrastructure and grid capacity is lagging behind advances in automotive technology. The already-passed Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill provides the greatest opportunity to accelerate the transition, as long as the money is spent quickly and wisely.

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St. Brigid's Day Celebration: Film & Discussion
4:00 PM16:00

St. Brigid's Day Celebration: Film & Discussion

On Tuesday, January 31st, the eve of St. Brigid's Day, you are invited to a free viewing of the film Love Thy Nature at the Strand Theater, followed by a light supper and discussion at Niccolls Church.

Love Thy Nature vividly illustrates how we've lost touch with nature and presents a compelling case that reconnecting with the natural world is key to improving personal health and ensuring our survival on Earth.

Liam Neeson provides the voice of Homo Sapiens - our collective humankind-reflecting on how in the past several thousand years we have gradually separated from nature, believing we were meant to transcend and to conquer it. The film traces the disconnect between humans and nature from the agrarian and industrial revolutions to the digital revolution. This disconnect has disrupted billions of years of evolution, leading to mass extinction of species and threatening the very survival of the human race.

With the help of engaging experts, the film highlights the restorative power of nature and several hopeful new developments. The emerging science of Biomimicry emulates nature's designs, processes, and systems - rather than simply harvesting its raw materials - resulting in some of today's most cutting edge innovations.

Transversing the globe, Love Thy Nature celebrates the dazzling spectacles of our planet, while also revealing how a deeper connection with nature can transform each of us and inspire us to restore endangered ecosystems, as well as our human family. The film closes with a beautiful montage of simples ways to make nature a bigger part of our lives.

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Zoom Book Study
7:00 PM19:00

Zoom Book Study

You are invited to participate in a zoom study of the book sabbath as resistance: Saying NO to the CULTURE OF NOW by Walter Brueggemann. This book talks about Sabbath keeping, not as moral rules and laws, but rather as a way to become more whole. He invites us to focus on the what is truly important rather than keeping up with the rush of society to consume more and more. Brueggemann, always the scholar, gives us theological and spiritual reasons for living sustainably. Here is a quote from the book: “The Sabbath rest of God is the acknowledgement that God and God’s people in the world are not commodities to be dispatched for endless production...Rather they are subjects situated in an economy of neighborliness.”If you’d like to think about the importance of rest and simplicity, of compassionate and just living during this season of Advent, please join the group. We will be meeting on zoom on Monday, November 28, Tuesday, December 6, Mondays, December 12 and 19 from 7:00-8:00 p.m. We have one copy available, but you can also order them from Abe Books. Contact Naomi to register.

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Visio Divina - Sacred Seeing
10:00 AM10:00

Visio Divina - Sacred Seeing

Sacred Seeing/Visio Divina: Exploring our true self while connecting to nature, a retreat day on Thursday, July 21st from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Florissante Mansion, 4036 Lyons Falls Road, Lyons Falls.

In our rush to do, we often do not leave time to just be. The 24/7, multi-tasking demands of life mask our ability to discover the knowledge deep within our souls. This retreat will engage us in the search for knowing what is deepest within us by hearing stories, reflecting and spending time in nature on the beautiful grounds of the Florissante Mansion in Lyons Falls.

In the beauty of nature we are able to connect with our own deep truth. Visio Divina or sacred seeing invites us to see the world in a deeper way, walking in nature with a camera (or the camera on your phone) gives new perspectives and opens us to imagine what seeing with the eyes of our hearts has to teach us.

Retreat Hosts are Katherine Ziemke and Naomi Kelly. Kathy’s talk will focus on rediscovering the language of the soul and will give us some tools for seeking the inner landscape of our hearts. Naomi will introduce the concept of Visio Divina, sacred seeing. There will also be a tea meditation, with a delicious lunch in grand surroundings. This is a Weaving Home event.

There is limited space and the cost is $45 per person. Dress for the weather, and bring a journal if you like, we will also provide some. There are scholarships available. Please contact Naomi at to register.

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Ramble to the River: An Earth Day 2022 Celebration
4:00 PM16:00

Ramble to the River: An Earth Day 2022 Celebration

  • George T. Hildebrant Recreation Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

On Friday, April 22nd the community is invited to celebrate Earth Day with a walk, game and blessing. We will begin at the George T. Hiltebrant, North St. Pavilion at 4 p.m. Gather for snacks to fuel us to walk, rollerblade, skateboard or bike to the north street bridge. Thea Martin and Tom Vawter will be our nature interpreters along with way.

Please bring a small jar of water from home to pour into the river at the North Street Bridge as a ritual of blessing. Water is sacred and nourishes us creating life on earth. This blessing signifies the importance of caring for the earth and living in harmony with nature.

After the blessing, play a celebratory game of Pooh sticks. On the walk back to the pavilion we will pick up any litter we’ve made or found along the way. This event is sponsored by The Fulton Chain of Lakes Association, LivingADK, Old Forge Farmers Market, Old Forge Library and Weaving Home.

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St. Brigid's Day Connection
4:00 PM16:00

St. Brigid's Day Connection

  • Niccolls Memorial Presbyterian Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The community is invited to a St. Brigid Day Celebration, on Tuesday, February 1st beginning at 4:00 p.m. at the Old Forge Library, and progressing to Niccolls Church focusing on becoming more informed eaters.

During the Solstice Celebration, sponsored by the Old Forge Library, Living ADK and Weaving Home, we pledged to try to live in harmony and balance with the earth. In honoring that pledge, we have been working on learning about the connectional nature of all we do. Legends about St. Brigid, one of Irelands Patron saints, tell of her feeding multitudes of people with milk and butter, connecting her to good food, and offering health and healing. Often, we don’t think of eating as a way to help us live in harmony with the earth, but it is one way that we can become more aware of how our habits effect each other and the earth.

The library will have materials for creating and growing garlic and/or green onions in a jar and instructions for creating and decorating sprouting jars.

At Niccolls, chef Hannah from Banks Farm in Boonville will demonstrate the art of chopping root veggies. Cindy Ball of Exeter Park will talk about Organic gardening, CSAs, delivery programs, and farm stands.

Niccolls Nurses will have a milk tasting table where you can find out which milk you like best and which is best for you.

Star Livingstone, a permaculture gardener, will have information on seed catalogues and which ones offer the best organic varieties of seeds for our local gardens; why growing your own food is fun and basic gardening requirements.

Learn about food that LAUGHS: Local, Affordable, Uncomplicated, Good, Healthy, Seasonal food.

There will be locally harvested root vegetables that will be roasted so you can take home a small sample.

And check out the contemplative corner for reflection and a closing gathering.

This event is sponsored by the Old Forge Library, LivingADK, Niccolls Nurses and Weaving Home.

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to Sep 30


Gathering continues on Thursdays for the month of September, at 4:00 p.m. at The Barn in Woodgate. Our gatherings are a time for contemplation, silence, chant, song, sharing and learning about balance and harmony with nature.

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Sacred Instructions
to Sep 16

Sacred Instructions

Our next book study will be on Sacred Instructions: Indigenous Wisdom for Living Spirit-Based Change by Sherri Mitchell. Mitchell begins on Thursday, June 24th at 7:30 p.m. on Zoom. This book reminds us of our connection with all of creation. She explains the wisdom of indigenous beliefs that considers everything in creation as our relations. Here is a Youtube link to learn more about the book.

If you'd like to join the study, please contact Naomi.

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7:30 PM19:30


Weaving Home is reading My Grandmother's Hands: Radicalized Trauma and the Pathway to Mending Our Hearts and Body by Resmaa Menakem. "The body is where our instincts reside and where we fight, flee, or freeze. My Grandmother's Hands is a call to action for Americans to recognize the racism is not only about the head, but also about the body. Menakem introduces an alternative view of what we can do to grow beyond our entrenched racialized divide and takes readers through a step-by-step healing process based on the latest neuroscience and somatic healing methods." This book was published in 2017 and has practices and exercises to help embody methods of healing.

I have two extra copies of the book, please let me know if you'd like one. We are beginning our study on Thursday, February 25 at 7:30 p.m. on Zoom. Please email Naomi for the link.

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Solstice Celebration
1:00 PM13:00

Solstice Celebration

"The Solstice is a time of quietude, of firelight, and dreaming, when seeds germinate in the cold earth, and the cold notes of church bells mingle with the chimes of icicles. Rivers are stilled and the land lies waiting beneath a coverlet of snow. We watch the cold sunlight and the bright stars, maybe go for walks in the quiet land. . . . All around us the season seems to reach a standstill — a point of repose.” - John Matthews

Join Weaving Home at the Library on Monday, December 21st at 4:00 p.m. The Old Forge Library will present readings and poems about the Winter Solstice. Following the library presentation, Weaving Home will offer prayers of lament and celebration, songs and readings around the labyrinth on the front lawn of the library. Dress appropriately, wear and mask and social distance. If you are unable to attend, we will be sharing the liturgy at Evening Prayer on Tuesday, December 22nd at 8: 00 p.m.

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White Fragility Book Group
10:30 AM10:30

White Fragility Book Group

The news has a tendency to give us reasons for bad things happening to good people. Like why was Trayvon Martin walking with a hoodie on?  What would the news have reported if he wasn’t African American? There is so much implicit  bias that we aren’t  even aware of and it is so sad. It continues to create this divide of hatred and misunderstanding, it continues to wear away at the fabric of our society.  We need healing and reconciliation if we want to move forward. The more enlightened we can become to those implicit biases with in us, the more we can begin to heal.  

Kristin Lin, editor of the OnBeing Project was quoting Isabel Wilkerson’s book  The Warmth of Other Suns this morning. Read this through a couple of times: 

“Wilkerson also models how understanding history can be an act of compassion — to bear witness to the humanity and the struggle, the persistence and the beauty of generations past. “You think about those cotton fields, and those rice plantations, and those tobacco fields, and on all of those cotton fields, and tobacco plantations, and rice plantations were opera singers, and jazz musicians, and poets, and professors, defense attorneys, doctors. [The Great Migration] is the manifestation of the desire to be free and what was lost to the country. Because for centuries, for 246 years of enslavement … these people were miscast into an artificial hierarchy as to what they were permitted to do, or risk death if they did not do that,” she says.” 

So if you’d like to join me in reading “White Fragility” by Robin Diangelo we will be beginning on Monday, July 6th. This will be an email/Facebook study. I will post some ideas each Monday and you can read and respond on your own timing.  Let me know. Thanks!

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Prayer for the Earth
1:00 PM13:00

Prayer for the Earth

We are joining in prayer in solidarity with the fifth anniversary of Pope Francis’ Laudato Si, a call for our response the the ecological crisis. He says: “… The cry of the Earth and the cry of the poor cannot continue."

Join us via Zoom at the Barn in Woodgate at 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 28th for prayer and reminder of our connection to all creation.

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Earth Day Celebration
10:00 AM10:00

Earth Day Celebration

On Saturday, April 21st at 10:00 a.m. Weaving Home will celebrate Earth Day at the parking lot at the foot of the Falls in Lyons Falls. There will be a blessing of the water, and sacred readings. The Falls is the  point where the Moose River and the Black River meet and flow together north to the St. Lawrence. Our watersheds are a blessing to us, providing sustenance to the land and the people. When we take care of the water ways we take care of ourselves and our neighbors. 

In Celtic Spirituality,  the earth is the big book of creation and our first spiritual teacher. Robin Wall Kimmerer in her book “Braiding Sweetgrass” tells of the smell of the dirt when you pick it up in the garden. When you take a breath of it your body reacts by producing oxytocin, the same hormone that you get when you’re in the arms of someone you love. 
After the celebration, we will meet in the Fellowship Hall of Forest Church, 4019 Center Street, Lyons Falls for refreshments and peruse materials about Earth Care and activism. 

Here is an excellent article by Terry Tempest Williams from Brain Pickings. Enjoy.

There are so many resources to help us not only celebrate Earth Day  but to make small changes that would benefit  everyone.  Here are 5 suggestions from the United Church of Church LINK
Here is a link to the Presbyterian Church U.S.A.’s creation care website where your congregation can learn to be an earth care congregation: LINK
Here is a link to the Earth Day organization LINK
I’m sure you can find many more, and keep making small changes in your lifestyle that will be beneficial to you and the planet. 

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