You are invited to participate in a zoom study of the book sabbath as resistance: Saying NO to the CULTURE OF NOW by Walter Brueggemann. This book talks about Sabbath keeping, not as moral rules and laws, but rather as a way to become more whole. He invites us to focus on the what is truly important rather than keeping up with the rush of society to consume more and more. Brueggemann, always the scholar, gives us theological and spiritual reasons for living sustainably. Here is a quote from the book: “The Sabbath rest of God is the acknowledgement that God and God’s people in the world are not commodities to be dispatched for endless production...Rather they are subjects situated in an economy of neighborliness.”If you’d like to think about the importance of rest and simplicity, of compassionate and just living during this season of Advent, please join the group. We will be meeting on zoom on Monday, November 28, Tuesday, December 6, Mondays, December 12 and 19 from 7:00-8:00 p.m. We have one copy available, but you can also order them from Abe Books. Contact Naomi to register.
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Earlier Event: July 21
Visio Divina - Sacred Seeing
Later Event: January 31
St. Brigid's Day Celebration: Film & Discussion